Whether you are acquiring a company, selling a business unit, planning a merger, or embarking on a joint venture – the careful estimation of the tax impacts and optimisation of cash flow are significant success factors in every transaction. PwC has one of the largest networks of M&A tax specialists worldwide.
We help you identify critical tax risks. Frequently, we recommend multi-phase implementation for better management of cost risks. In an initial ‘red flags’ phase, we concentrate on the show-stoppers. Only in the next phase do we go into greater detail. During this phase, we also collect important information relevant to tax structuring.
In the initial phase of a deal, PwC’s tax experts support you with initial considerations regarding tax structuring. As soon as the deal gets the go-ahead, we work on a detailed step-by-step plan for structuring and implementation.
We check tax clauses in (purchase) agreements. In particular, we focus on warranty and exemption clauses in order to guarantee protection against past tax risks.
We provide support on the active planning and implementation of issues identified in the due diligence phase, liabilities towards the tax authorities, as well as their recognition in accounting and tax returns. In this way, we guarantee that no issues are overlooked.
If you seek to sell your business, reliable preparation is essential to close a deal successfully. With vendor assistance from PwC, you will not only receive a compact package of tax information about the target, but also provide potential buyers with additional assurance.